A bold claim … and we have to confess that in a general sense we’d probably have to answer “no”, most of the time. But if they don’t change the world, they can certainly change your business if you get them right!
Consider these two interesting statistics from the Direct Marketing Association (and there are many more on their web-site):
- As many as 79% of recipients either keep, pass on to a friend, or glance over the contents of a leaflet distribution item
- Leaflet distribution is one of the most affordable and effective methods of advertising, with 48% of consumers responding to leaflet advertisements
But do leaflets still have a role to play in the digital world?
Well, statistics never lie, do they? (Who was it who coined the phrase “Lies, damned lies, and statistics?” Answers on a postcard please J)
But seriously, the above figures from the DMA show that leaflets can be a highly effective form of advertising.
It’s true to say that much – if not all – of the information stored on the average leaflet will be available on-line, and is therefore easy to find and also update (with the added benefit that this doesn’t result in out-of-date leaflets taking up cupboard space in the corner of the office somewhere with the associated wasted cost).
So why have them at all? Why not rely on the internet and the quality of your web-site? Our guess is that simply asking the question begins to answer it. For starters:
- your clients need to find your web-site in the first place!
- collateral to handout at trade shows and exhibitions
- your leaflets and flyers can be mailed out in marketing campaigns
- they can act as “teasers” for your clients to request further information
- they will serve as reminders of your company and its products and services
- increased brand awareness
- they won’t disappear when your client turns the computer off!
How can leaflet templates help me?
Because much of the design work has been done for you, by enthusiastic experts, leaving you to concentrate on the content and on the message that you want to promote.
Remembering that:
- a picture paints a thousand words
- you only make a first impression once
look at some of these brilliant leaflet templates:
And there are numerous other fantastic designs available on our web site – all the hard work has been done for you – you just have to choose your design and supply us with the details.
The 3 rules of brilliant leaflets
So how do you get brilliant and IMPACTFUL leaflets?
It’s very easy.
You just click here, browse through our extensive range of brilliant leaflet templates, and you can do it all, really easily, and really quickly, on-line.
Or, if you prefer, give us a call any time on 0115 895 0126
… and we’ll love to help you, and work with you to create your brilliant leaflet.