The World of Business Card Printing 

Things to know about business cards they’ve been around for a long time! There is some evidence that they originated in China as long ago as the 15th Century, but certainly an early version was in widespread use in Europe by the 17th Century as a ‘Visiting Card’ so it might be said that they […]


Surely flyers are dead in the water?

  Or are they?  In our last article we looked at the role of the humble business card, and observed that despite the fact that so many of them are discarded so quickly, and that we now live in an age when contact information is readily available online, the business card still has a valuable […]


How to get utterly wonderful posters

Next in line, after business cards, leaflets, and booklets – all of which we’ve covered in previous articles – is posters.  And specifically poster design templates. Before we look at them, however, let’s spend a little time thinking about posters in general – their history, their effectiveness, and try and understand why they make such […]


Canvas Printing Ideas & Inspiration

Canvas printing is a wonderful way to keep treasured moments as fresh as the day they happened; an ever-present reminder of the special people, happy occasions and memorable places in our own lives and those of our loved ones; and a beautifully printed and stylishly framed canvas print not only makes a lasting memory, it […]