CD & DVD Printing

Increasingly we have found that many students now need to submit digital projects and portfolios as part of their course requirements.

So, in addition to the wide variety of books and different types of binding services we offer, we can now provide both high quality thermal* printed CD & DVD discs but also a fully personalised hard case cover with a clear tray to hold the disc.

These are fairly quick to produce (normally no more than 2 days) and offer the perfect solution for students studying a wide variety of visual arts & design course to produce a professional and themed presentation product.

The covers can be printed on the inside and the outside as required and are either gloss or matt laminated. Printed blank disc media can then be written with your completed projects. A CD will hold unto 700mb of data and a DVD will hold unto 4.7GB.

Fully printed cases are £21.60 each and discs are £7.80 & £9.00 respectively for CD or DVD. We offer SU Discounts with valid ID and also discounts on multiple copies of the same artwork.

To make the process easier you can download the artwork for the covers and the discs below;

CD Case 10mm Instructions

CD Case 10mm

CD Case inner

CD Label

Right click on the links and then ‘save target as’.

Once you have created your artwork you can send the files to your local branch with you requirements. Use the Send Us Your File which is on our website HERE.

If you need more information please call your local office using the contact numbers HERE


*Thermal print uses Red, Yellow, Blue process which not quite as colour accurate as RGB/CYMK process. For this reason we advise against using very light tints and neutral grey colours as these can sometimes produce an unwanted tint. Strong, bold designs and photographic images are generally more successful.