Nottingham Hospitals Charity have come up with an innovative way to raise money for their Children’s Cancer ward this New Year. 

They have asked for volunteers to collect up old Christmas trees and take them for recycling.  Money is raised by householders making a donation to the charity on-line.  

Tony Barnett, Managing Director and an active Rotarian, answered this call with two large vans and two strong and willing drivers for a total of a week to help collect nearly 1000 trees.  This raised over £10,000 for the charity. 

Louise Knight, Head of Fund Raising at the Nottingham City Hospital said “the lads have been brilliant in all weathers and have worked really hard for us.  We could not have done it without their help”. 

Tony Barnett added “Just pleased to help such a worthy cause and its environmentally friendly too”.  The trees are “chipped”, left to rest for a year and then used for mulching on farms and elsewhere.