When working with a fleet of vehicles, it’s easy to focus on delivery times, safety, fuel and the like. But you also need to think about what your vans say about you while they’re on the road.

After all, a vehicle in an area of dense traffic like central London could be seen by over three thousand prospective customers an hour, according to one figure. With more than 35.5 million registered vehicles on British roads (Department of Transport figures for 2015), that’s a huge potential audience.

The reality is that shoddy-looking branding, or, even worse, no branding at all, can mean you’re ignored by potential clients who are looking to use a business like yours.

Here’s why you need effective vehicle branding:

1. The right design of service van inspires trust and confidence by making your organisation look more credible and setting it apart from the competition.

2. A branded van can act as a mobile advertising hoarding which reaches customers wherever they are, especially for tradesmen such as plumbers and electricians, whose customers wouldn’t go to their offices. It really can generate leads, and it’s far more cost-effective than many other types of advertising, while an unbranded vehicle could effectively be costing you a vast sum in lost work.

3. A vehicle which is easy to identify is often less likely to be stolen, which can reduce insurance premiums

4. Branded, highly noticeable vehicles, perhaps using reflective signage, stand out, and so accidents are less likely to occur, especially after dark

5. Finally, if you are seen to be caring about your fleet in terms of van signage and car graphics, it will be assumed that you care about your customers and other aspects of the business as well

For most owners of small or medium-sized businesses, the pros of van signage will always far outweigh any potential pitfalls – such as the fact that in a branded vehicle, you may get approached by people even when you’re off-duty or doing a personal trip.

If your vehicles aren’t already branded, take action now – or keep on missing out on business opportunities.

Read our Ultimate Guide To Vehicle Graphics

If you’re thinking about branding your vehicle we’ve put together a comprehensive guide with everything you need to know.

Ultimate Guide To Vehicle Graphics

John E Wright

John E Wright’s fully trained fitting staff can help transform your vehicle into something really unique. Whether you’re looking for a full wrap, vinyl letters or  help to re-brand your fleet, John E Wright can help your vehicle become more than just a mode of transport – it’s the next step in your marketing plan. Get in touch and tell us about your requirements, or upload your design directly to our printers through our website. It’s so easy, and you’d be surprised at how cost effective it can be.