In previous articles we’ve covered the importance of professional business stationery – from business cards right through to posters – displaying a consistent and positive brand image. These will constantly reinforce the message to your existing and potential clients that you are a quality organisation delivering quality products and services.
So in this article we’ll spend a little time looking at how we might achieve this, taking leaflet design as our working example.
What makes a “good” leaflet?
Well, obviously, a good leaflet is one that is read and, hopefully, remembered. But why would we read and remember it? This, of course, comes down to the design – and how the content is displayed.
It’s often said that “a picture paints a thousand words”, and this applies equally to leaflet design. We probably wouldn’t spend too much time looking at a leaflet that contained only words and nothing else; on the other hand a leaflet that only contained pictures wouldn’t be of much use if it didn’t give us any information or if we couldn’t identify whose leaflet it was. So it’s about balance.
So far it looks good. But we need to ensure that the content is right too. Not too much detail, but not too little. Again, it’s about balance. Something punchy and eye-catching, inviting the reader to want to know more.
And then there’s how it feels. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune on top quality paper – after all, it is promotional literature with a shelf-life – but you do need to make it as appealing as possible. What type of paper (130, 150, 170 gsm)? What size of leaflet (A4, A5, A6 etc.)? What finish (gloss, silk) if any? Do you want it double-sided?
You can see that there’s quite a lot to think about in your leaflet design to get it right. That said, it’s a fairly subjective topic – there’s no absolute right or wrong! To some extent it depends upon the message you’re trying to give out, and who you’re giving the message to!
Anything else I need to think about when it comes to my leaflet design?
Short answer: yes!
- quantity. Given that the average response rate for direct mail is 1 – 2%, you need to do the maths!
- target audience. Spend time researching your database and ensuring that it’s up-to-date, otherwise the exercise will be wasted
- timing. Think about when would be the best time to reach your target audience
- offer. What is your offer and why would/should people be interested?
- part of a wider marketing campaign. You won’t achieve success from just one activity, whatever it is! You need to have a well thought out and ongoing campaign, perhaps including some email marketing, PR, tele-marketing and the use of social media as we discussed last time
I’m ready to go – what now?
If you have any questions about leaflet design, feel free to go to our contact page or call us on 0115 895 0127 or 07748 267761
We’ll be absolutely delighted to help you create the perfect leaflet for your business.